I don't have much to report but always feel the need to continue to update the blog. I imagine major milestones are just around the corner such as crawling, standing, walking, school, college, marriage... We are currently holding steady at sitting but she has it mastered! I am adding this part about 2 hours after initial posting- I noticed that she has learned to clap! I need to look this up and see if she is a genius or if this is normal.
Today is actually her 8 month birthday. She is now sleeping solidly through the night anywhere between 11-13 hours. She enjoys solitary play-I can plop her on the floor or in the pack n' play with some toys and she is entertained. I can only do it for a short time though b/c I don't want to be a neglectful mommie! Newest foods include pasta and cauliflower-we haven't encountered a food yet that she won't eat! (maybe avocado but I haven't tried again recently)
We have some sad news-we had to put Zeppo down on Wednesday. His health failed very rapidly over the weekend and it was time. Chr
We are off to Florida in less than 2 weeks and are looking forward to the visit.
So long for now.
1 comment:
I say she's a genius. Ezra has no idea that clapping even exists! And as always, her sleep habits never cease to amaze me! How did you manage to get the miracle baby? :-) Sorry the weather was crummy last weekend but let's check in this weekend - if you're free. I think we're overdue for some nice weather again!
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