This post has nothing to do with Sylvester Stalone though I imagine I can make a connection somehow if I really tried. This month is a big month for us and many of our friends with babies. Lot's of first birthdays are being celebrated in the month of August. The most recent party was for Ezra who turned the big "01" on August 1st. We headed out to Ashley and Gabe's house without incidence. Feeling a little disappointed that the weather was cool, windy and rainy so the party on the beach was to be moved indoors, we were still excited to see Ashley, Gabe, Ezra and other guests. It is always so much fun to see Liliana interact with other children- she is turning into such a social baby. Just as we turned left onto Ashley's street, Liliana projectile vomitted formula and Cheerios. This is the second time this has happened in the car. I am beginning to suspect she gets car sick. 3 more weeks and we can move her seat forward. After a quick outfit change in Ezra's nursery we were ready to party! All was going well, pretty standard party excitment: first time soap bubbles, new toys borrowed from Ezra, crawling fast down the hallway toward dad's voice then...boom...faceplant onto the hardwood floor. I just stared down at her for a split second waiting to see if she was going to get back into crawling position and proceed on her way. She remained flat on the ground so I scooped her up and had to blow in her face to get her to breath- she was crying the same way she did after her first set of vaccinations. Then, from the corner of her mouth the blood came trickling out. Did she bite through her lip?? Did she bite her tongue?? Will she need stitches??? So many things went through my mind but I think I remained pretty calm. I wet a papertowel and Ashley got some ice. The bleeding stopped as quickly as it started. Her mood returned back to normal and we resumed our activities in the living room. I think I was more affected by seeing her bleed for the first time than she was. Once again, just a lesson that things are going to happen: bumps, bruises, cuts and we all move on. Resilient little buggers they are! On the way home, no afternoon nap Liliana was shaking her marraca like mad and whacked herself in the head...hard. Again she cried without breathing, I blew in her face and gave her a soft toy to play with...peaceful again.
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