Beyond just being killed with the overwhelming posts of ultrasounds, pregnancy announcements, birth announcements and the such, I was just confronted with a whole new, strange feeling. One of the mamas from my, now assumed to be retired, moms playgroup has a 7 week old baby girl. She was due just a week or so after when I would have been due from m first miscarriage. Anyway, on Facebook she just posted a request for advice on how to get her 7 week old to nap longer. Her first born, in her memory, didn't have this issue. I honestly did not feel qualified to answer. Why do I feel less of a mother because I only have one child who is no longer an infant? One of the responders was ANOTHER mom from the group who ALSO just had a baby girl in July and yet another had one in May. I feel left out. I feel like crap.
Liliana is incredible and has become so interactive and amazing (um, not that she hasn't been amazing from minute 1). She started at a new day care today which I am so thrilled about. Next post will be all about Liliana and her new day care.
You know what I really like about this blog? It helps me understand my wife more. I mean I know her, and I know she loves babies. We saw some friends at the grocery store today, and they each have new kids. Lisa was checking them out... she always checks out kids.
I never gave Lisa a kid from me, because I didn't want one. I know women love babies and kids. Like you Lisa would have done all good things for her kid Hailey, and as of now Hailey hasn't turned out how she would have hoped.
First day of school was yesterday, and Lisa didn't have to drive Hailey to school. In all those years I would have made her walk. :)
Is this a response or a blog entry of my own?
You should always be confident, because you have a lot to share. To show we aren't always confident isn't bad. We live to fight another day. :)
I am done now. :)
sending love to you my friend. you are in NO WAY less of a mother, you are actually just being totally present in the stage and moment that Liliana is in now. imagine how effed up your head would be if you were expected to remember how to deal with newborn issues in addition to the Terrible 2s?! screw that I say. stay in the present where you are needed. when you are back in newborn land you will have a new "present" to focus on. xoxo, J.
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