Friday, August 13, 2010

The weekend wait

I hope to make it through the weekend for my D&C on Monday. I am cramping and bleeding heavily and it is only Friday morning. I have all my hopes in the genetic testing of the tissue. If that isn't able to happen I am going to have so many unresolved questions and feelings. I plan to try and lay low and not exert too much. My sadness is starting to increase as the shock is wearing off and reality is setting in.


Steve said...

Geez, I don't know what to say!! :( You are so courageous.

Wish I could make things easier for you. FUCK!!

Steve said...

My last blog post, I thanked Maija, and Beth for putting me on their right hand side. I totally forgot to thank you for putting me on your left hand side. I was almost going to make a whole blog entry on that, but thought that'd be dumb. So I am thanking you here. :)

Thanks a lot. It was quite the honor. I appreciate it. :)

I worried about that in the middle of the night... i/e my normal time of waking up. Sorry, and thanks again. :)