Friday, August 15, 2008

39 Weeks Today!

It is amazing that I am at 39 weeks. I always looked so forward to the weekends since we found out we were pregnant b/c I would devour every pregnancy book I had. I would curl up on the couch with my coffee (no, I did not give up coffee) and read the next chapter in my week by week pregnancy guides. Early on it was so fascinating b/c there were many rapid changes happening every week to the baby and to my body. I have weaned myself from the books and am now just anxious to meet baby.
I had my 39 week appointment today and have not dropped or dilated at all. I know this is fine and normal, especially for a breech b/c a tush on the cervix doesn't help to promote labor like a head can. I just am ready to experience some changes and progression even though we are scheduled for the delivery. I am being greedy, or crazy depending on who you ask!
I officially start maternity leave after today's workday. Though I intend on getting a lot done around the house, part of me feels I should be working right up until the delivery. At the same time, I really need the time to do final prep, rest my body and be prepared in the doubtful event I do go into labor.
Chris has been really cute lately- he is excited and I know he is going to be just fantastic with her. I couldn't have picked a better baby daddy!
I am not saying this for his benefit either b/c I seriously doubt he is reading this blog!

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