Several people have asked me why I don't attempt to have the baby turned (know as an external cephalic version) or try acupuncture and/or holistic remedies to coax her to turn. All options have been considered and here is what Chris and I have decided. (FYI, docs in the US generally are not trained to deliver breech babies except via CS)
The ECV option was pretty much 86'd immediately. I have low amniotic fluid levels and an extra placental lobe attached anteriorly. The low levels will most likely prevent her from flipping on her own and also make it difficult for the docs to do it manually. The extra lobe can cause a huge problem if it were to detach during the procedure- end result- emergency c-section. Besides, if anyone has seen this procedure done it DOES NOT look pleasant!
I have considered acupuncture but we both feel that peanut is in this position for a reason (could be shape of my uterus/pelvis, extra lobe etc...) There is nothing to guarantee she won't flip back. In the meantime, we have tried the pelvic tilt, frozen peas on her head and acupressure on my little toes!
So as much as it disappoints both of us, we have completely accepted the scheduled c-section. Besides, as soon as we see her I don't think we will care one way or the other how she entered the world.
Oh, another thing I want to document was an small bump in the road with my nose that I experienced a couple of weeks ago. I developed what is called a pyogenic granuloma-aka pregnancy tumor- inside my nose. I guess about 5% of pregnant women will develop this. I was experiencing horrible nose bleeds that became increasingly worse and more frequent. After a 5 hour visit to the ER (poor Chris!) they found the growth and diagnosed it. Thanks to my dad's good friend who is an ENT in the burbs, I was able to have it removed the following Thursday. I was extremely nervous about the procedure b/c I wasn't sure how the baby would respond to the anesthesia I was given for the surgery. She did great and so did I. It turns out the growth was the size of a quarter! I feel 100 times better since it was removed and didn't realize how awful I was feeling until it was gone.
So, as I sit here right now watching the cubs game (I have ordered my cubs pink onesie and can't wait to cheer them on with little one) I am still feeling great. No signs of early labor or any discomfort. Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
HI.....Leigh you are right. It doesn't matter how she gets into this's a miracle either way. I have heard that the turning of the baby process can be very painful as well! And yes.....she can flip again.
I was very sad just thinking, "what if I end up with a c-sect." I would almost cry just thinking about it.
I really wanted a 'normal' delivery! I had Joseph back when our small hospital did not do epidurals ( we do intrathecals here now). But anyway......I had Joseph (and the rest) the 'old fashioned way.' After having Joseph I would had GLADLY had a section!!! My girlfriend ended up preg after I had Joseph and was going to have a section...she cried and cried. I told her I would have felt the same way....but after having him....IT HURT LIKE HELL. Positively NO romance what so ever! I was in pre and hard labor for 2 days. We went to the hospital once and they sent me home only to go back 2 hours later. We were so frustrated by the time we were actually admitted as it was all new to us, we were nervous/scared and we had NO idea what we were doing or what to expect. Then my labor quit during delivery and i ended up with what they call a boggy uterus and then hemmoraged a couple hours after delivery ( Frankie and my family were out drinking beers and celebrating while I thought I was going to die ). It was all very scary. -- The second time around it didn't matter to me how I had her. I ended up on pitocin. Another long labor. By the 3rd time we were doing the intrathecals and I told the Dr. I was coming into the hospital humped over and ready for the injection for the intrathecal. And then....Wil came TO FAST!! NO TIME FOR ANYTHING! Frank was sick and running a fever. I ended up on my knees in the waiting room as I couldn't walk to the OB dept. cuz the contractions were so close and so bad. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Once in the room the nurse was throwing gowns at sick Frank to help me get undressed. It was crazy!!!! Wil was born within 40 min. of getting to the hospital.
So, every delivery was completely different. A surprise every time!!! With Hope ( adoption from China )...I STILL had labor pains....Frank and I ended up with food poisoning from the food on the plane......NO FAIR!!! I interpreted that as my labor pains for her! Geeze.....
This was only all to make you feel better about that section! Even a 'normal' delivery doesn't go how you imagined it.-- You'll get to take a your hair/'ll look GREAT in the baby pics!!!!!!! ( I didn't have sleep for 2 days. I looked like crap! ) As you leave for the hospital you'll have time to get to reflect and take pics of the both of you and time to remember to look back at your home knowing that next time you pull up life as you knew it will be gone and you'll be bringing a new little blessing into that home. You'll get to hold hands on the way to the hospital...hold hands walking in, rememeber hugging each other before and after the epid and be fully awake a aware of her coming into this world ( I was groggy and tired!) see, that WILL be romantic!! There is something to say about it being scheduled! can have V-back 2nd time around.
We will looking forward to hearing from you, Foof and Peanut ( aka: Foofette )! Once you have her in your arms, nothing else in this world will matter (except sleep a couple weeks from now!) haha
Take care and we'll be hearing from you next week!
oxox Beth
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