Monday, August 11, 2008

Scary moment- 11 days until due date

Scary moment today when I fell while walking downtown. I have felt pretty in control of my body and my balance throughout the pregnancy but today I realized how my center of gravity has shifted. I twisted my ankle in a small hole in the sidewalk and just went down. It all happened so fast- I had my business case over one shoulder and was carrying my laptop bag in the other hand. Baby is fine- a call to the doctor reassured me that she is okay. I have some scrapes on my feet and knee but am fine too.
What I find amazing is how my first second and third thoughts all go to the baby. I didn't even notice my scrapes or anything until my friend pointed it out.
You know, much of the reason we waited so long to decide to have a baby is we thought we were just too selfish to be able to adequately care for another human life. It is like this other part of you takes over and all you want to do is protect this being that you haven't even met yet!
I know, all your parents out there are saying- "you haven't experienced nothin' yet!" I can only imagine what it will be like when we see, touch, feel and smell this little life.

Something else that I find amazing is how differently people treat you. I actually had strangers stop, help me up, ask if they could call me a cab. Beyond that, people are just more friendly. Elevators are held open, strangers tell you how cute you look in your new maternity dress. In general, I find people to be very cold, impersonal and sometimes downright rude. I have seen a completely different side of people since I have been showing my "bump". This comment may be an overstatement or a cliche but, in a way, it has restored my faith in humanity!
Of course that will probably go out the window when I start getting dirty looks from people when my child starts crying in the grocery store. I am, at the end of the day, still a cynic- sorry!

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