I wonder as I sit here without a job, Chris' business is non-existent, I am recovering from a sinus infection coupled with bronchitis and Liliana is on her 4th round of antibiotics to try and win the battle with a stubborn ear infection why I am so happy? I was in the kitchen this morning cleaning the dishes and was swept over with this intense giddiness about our life. I wonder if this is some manic episode and I am, rather than truly at peace with my life, bordering on demonstrating symptoms of bi-polar behavior? Of course I say that in jest and with no disrespect to anyone truly afflicted with the illness. I can't help but question if this is normal or, better yet, a sign that our lives are moving in the right direction after swirling in the toilet bowl of wrong decisions or complete inaction for so long.
Not to beat the proverbial dead horse, but leaving my last job was truly the best thing that could have happened to me. It was unhealthy on so many levels and I see even more clearly now how dysfunctional the whole situation was. The unfortunate part is I believe a friend will be lost in the wreckage but not sure it was a true friendship to begin with.
So, I have 2 job opportunities that both sound great but are completely different. I am in the final round for both. I am not going to go into detail yet but will certainly update when and if the opportunity(ies) turn into offers.
What I feel like is I am on a staycation that will end in a fresh new start with work. No coming back to old issues, problems and drama. A clean slate is how I will end this wonderful time at home with Liliana.
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