Friday, November 6, 2009

Ghosts and Dinosaurs-Not a Halloween Post

Technically Liliana can walk. She has shown us several times that she can stand on her own. She will be playing in the middle of the room and I look over at her and she is standing- no fan fare, no drama, just standing. It is kind of Poltergeistish. There is the scene when the family is in the kitchen and the mom looks back and without any noise or notice the furniture is stacked precariously in an impossible pile. Haunting aside, Liliana has reached what I consider the most exciting milestone so far. It has been really amazing watching this development. She is so proud of herself with this accomplishment but she has yet to really utilize this new skill. She is a darn good crawler and doesn't quite see the need to wobbly transport herself from one spot to the next when she can do it much more efficiently on all fours and not risk falling over.

There are a couple new behaviors that are important to note. The first is the Pterodactyl scream when she either wants something or sees a kitty. It is painful to hear. I can literally feel my eardrum contracting inside my ear when she makes this sound. She has very few words (none actually) but I am not going to focus on that because I am not concerned. She is learning 2 languages right now and I believe she is just trying to sort that out. She clearly understands most of what we say. She will speak in her own time. In the meantime we have to suffer through the prehistoric screech for her to get her point across. Secondly, she has begun to throw mini tantrums when she gets frustrated. She resorts to using whatever toy is in her hand to hit things and then throw them. She furrows her brow and gets this very concerned look on her face. I can't help but laugh when she does this which only makes her more angry. It is a passing thing but Chris and I both can't help but wonder if this is just a toddler thing or a sign of an angry streak in her personality.

We are driving to Iowa in 3 weeks for Thanksgiving. That could potentially be a stressful trip. I am more terrified of our trip to Santa Fe in December. I am traveling alone with Liliana on a plane. I hope she will have moved beyond the screaming by then because I don't want to be kicked off the plane.

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