Thursday, January 7, 2010

It seems horrible but it's not

As many of you know, I lost my job on Monday. Based on the previous post you can deduce that this is a good thing for us. I am at peace now and am excited about future opportunities. The whole trying for #2 thing causes a slight wrinkle in plans as I am not sure what to do. Also the lack of income and health insurance isn't ideal especially with Liliana and her double ear infection and lower respiratory infection. However, I get to be with her and nurse her through her sickness and that is awesome. I am making the blog "private" for awhile. Although I only wrote about work issues a couple of times, I don't want those entries or my trying to conceive entries to affect any future employment opportunities. It is common practice now for companies to search blogs and social networking sights. So I am going to make it private and probably take a break from blogging for awhile. However, if I do find the need to make an entry, and you would like to check it out, please send me an email and I will add you to the invite list.

Thanks for reading!

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