Monday, February 15, 2010


I am so sickened by this story. A mother left her 14 month old child in the bathtub to go do laundry and get chores done. I will be honest and say I haven't read her blog in entirety, and maybe I should before I post this, but I find the whole thing so sick and wrong. She is not a hero, she shouldn't be getting her 15 minutes of fame and I don't feel sorry for her. I feel incredibly sick for her child (children) and am so incredibly relieved that the baby survived, is home and appears to be doing well.
Come on people, NEVER leave a child alone in the bathtub! There are enough dangers that we need to protect our children from, and none of us are perfect parents. You all know about my postings where I have panicked over things that could have been dangerous, that Liliana gets into mischief sometimes, and I am not watching her like a hawk 24/7. BUT, there are those few rules as parents that everyone should know and I am naive and shocked to learn that they don't. Never leave a child alone in the bathtub, never leave a child alone in a car, and don't give a child a plastic bag to play with.
Please don't misinterpret any of this as my saying I don't make mistakes with Liliana and that there are times I don't feel extremely lucky that she hasn't seriously hurt herself. I just think some things are accidents and some things are pure negligence.

Here is a link to the blog
Update: I tried to read the blog from the beginning. I couldn't get through the first entry describing what happened. It is just so sad. I feel so horrible for the baby. I do feel a sadness for the mom too, I do. I think what I find so strange is her blog and the videos and pictures and she is going on national TV etc... I know everyone processes grief differently, and I love to put my shit out there too. That is why I have a blog and am on facebook etc...But it just does not resonate well with me, that is all I am saying.


Kristin said...

wow. I don't know what to say but wow. I read parts of her blog and finally found the beginning and I am sick to my stomach. It is a terrible thing for anyone to go through but her writing style and news appearances and inserting of random photos (like a train wreck, a dime, a roller coaster) as well as a plug for her photography studio make her blog so sensational and unbearable. That poor poor family. Yes, accidents can happen but this to me falls in line with sitting your child next to an open flame on the stovetop and leaving the room. Leaving the room to get pajamas for another child and then the level of detail of each thing she put away and did related to laundry and whatever else. Really? It is incredibly LUCKY that he did not die. I don't even know what else to write because I am sickened.

marion kminek said...

I have to say I can relate. When Tammy was under 2, I brought her and her sister to visit their father on my way home from work. They had a swimming pool. Sometime in the chaos, someone asked, "where is Tammy"? We found her floating face down in the pool! I was lucky. She was fine but everytime I think of that day, I know I was extremely lucky because I never even saw her walk towards the pool!