Monday, February 1, 2010

Filling the time

Okay, I confess I have a new obsession. Anyone that knows me knows I spend a bit of time on Facebook. I don't do Farmville or play Mafia Wars. I keep up with my friends in different states. I learn when someone I grew up with has passed away, I see pictures of my friend's babies and vacations. I see interesting OpEd pieces posted and funny clips from The Onion. I connect with people through networking that have become very good friends and confidants. There are a lot of good, no great things that have come out of my time on Facebook! I have decided to spend less time on Facebook though. I was at my dinner group on Saturday night and realized everything I talked about people already knew from my status updates. "Hey I joined a gym! Oh, you know already." "Hey Liliana tried salsa for the first time and loves it! Oh, right, I posted that on Facebook." Really kinda icky when you realize how much technology has replaced personal connections. So I am on a self imposed Facebook hiatus. I will still cruise it once in a while and comment where I want to but am not going to be terribly active about my own stuff.

Maybe breaking up with Facebook is easier because lately I have become a troll of the BabyCenter message boards! I joined the group TTC (trying to conceive) After Miscarriage. I have never been one to post or follow message boards because there are SO many posts and topics that it is impossible to follow. However, once you delve in you learn there are so many people who have the same questions, feelings and situations as you do. It can become quite addictive! I have also learned there are people who have suffered such great loss such as multiple miscarriages or miscarriages much farther along. It is sobering to say the least. It also surprises me what great comfort I am finding in getting support from total strangers. Then there are the complete dimwits on there who are using ovulation predictor kits as pregnancy tests and not understanding why they aren't working properly!

In addition to the computer activity, I have also started to exercise again and I feel great! We joined a gym and they were having a 2 months free promotion. Perfect for the unemployed! Plus, Liliana loves the daycare there. When I go to get her she is carrying an armful of stuffed animals and tea party fixins. She is impossibly cute. It is so perfect. Things are moving along nicely here and imagine I should have a job within a month! Life is good. Life is really good.

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