Thursday, March 4, 2010

Speech Therapy

The entourage of speech therapist, developmental therapist and two intake girls just left the house. What an ordeal. It was really uncomfortable for me because I kept feeling like I was being judged and that Liliana was being scrutinized. I know that isn't what was going on but I was so nervous that she wouldn't "measure up". They asked me a lot of questions about her behavior, activities and communication. They also brought their own toys to play with her. Basically she was a shining star at the end. Her developmental skills are either right at 18 months or more advanced at 21 months. Her comprehension is great and her ability to communicate without spoken words is great. However, there is a "concern" about her lack of spoken words and, more concerning, her ability to "imitate" sounds or words. At the end the have recommended speech therapy one day a week. The evaluation is free, the therapy is not. I don't know if I am doing her a disservice but I have no intention of having her go through this. I didn't even ask what is involved in the speech therapy because I became so overwhelmed with signing of papers and listening to their evaluation results. I should have asked. Is it wrong that I am choosing not to go down the therapy route? I really think in her own time the language will come spilling out. Her "jargoning" is a good sign and I think I will start practicing sign with her. I hate they way this whole experience is making me feel.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I think as her mom you have to go with your own maternal instincts on what is right for her. You spend more time with her than the entourage and you should not beat yourself up over the decision you make today. If she were 5 and not talking, I might lean towards speech therapy. :)