Thursday, April 1, 2010

Questionable Chromosomes

Well unfortunately the geneticist was unable to grow anything from the sample the doc sent over. So the genetic make up of my last little peanut will remain a mystery. However, since the doctor said the head had a protrusion and didn't look right, that is enough for me to know it was a chromosomal issue. I was just sort of hoping to know something more specific like "trisomy" for example. Somewhere I read that the chance of having 3 missed miscarriages is 1%. I can't find that article again and now I keep reading that the statistics get worse the greater the number. However, I do have a healthy child and I think that improves my chances. So I am feeling somewhat more optimistic but I do think we will wait a few months before trying again instead of jumping in right away like last time.


Steve said...

Best of luck for next time. :)

Ashley said...

Thinking of you, Leigh. Sending you lots of love.

Mia and Sean said...

keep your positive attitude my friend! My sister-in-law had two babies and then two miscarriages and then went on to have three more healthy babies. I'm thinking of you!!!!